Tuesday, 23 December 2014


Has anyone of you had that brief moment of "the year is gone already?"
Well, if you have not had it yet, you probably will...soon!

I was thinking back yesterday and I couldn’t believe how much has happened this year. It seemed like the year was so short but so many things have happened. Both the good and not so good, but all in all, it has been a good year.

Friday, 3 October 2014

The Simple Things...

Today I opened my system, stared at it for a long while and asked myself…Why I have not written in a while. And what do I even want to write about?
You see, sometimes life can get to you in so many ways that you don’t even have the time to do the simple things you love. It then got me thinking, I’m probably not the only one in this situation right now
We as humans get caught up doing so many things, if only we could take out time to breathe, we will realize that those things that take your time aren’t even so important. Most often than not, they are things we can live without, things that if we stop doing, we would still live very normal lives

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Keeping up with the joneses??? The joneses are broke!

I’ve been away for a while, a really long while! I needed time to settle into the new things happening in my life. New environment, new status, new responsibilities…all new everything. But amidst all, it’s been peace
I recently found my scrutinizing glasses and put it back on after such a long break and damn! Has a whole lot happened right under my nose or what?
So, remember how I said I found myself in a new environment yeah? Well that automatically means new people, a new view towards life.
Have you ever been in an environment where you think everyone there is the same and you say a silent prayer asking whatever “powers that be” that you believe in to please give you the grace not to be sucked into the same kind of life style and the same way of reasoning? Well…I have said that prayer more than a few times in just a few days.

Monday, 21 July 2014

My Monday Morning Madness!

Me, I don’t know how the weekend went by so fast. I think there was a conspiracy of some sort between the weather and the time, because just between loving the weather on Saturday morning and telling myself I’ll sleep well this weekend, BAM! It was Sunday evening.
I remember telling my mum I feel cheated, why should we work five days and rest just two days? Whatever happened to the law of equality? It shouldn’t apply to only the females that wish they were guys naa, haba, it should also apply to something that is capable of changing the quality of our lives such as this. We should work five days and rest five days...full stop!

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

My Language...My Right!

So many times, we think to ourselves that nobody else understands our language, especially strangers, so we can therefore insult them, after all, they won’t understand. It’s my language and I am allowed to express myself in my language without any consequences right...WRONG!

Haven’t you ever been in very awkward situations where u think someone is from another tribe and all of a sudden, the person starts speaking your language? Next thing you'll probably say is, "so you understand Yoruba? Ahh, thank God I didn’t abuse you oh, Na so you for catch me". But some other times, maybe you were not so lucky and you already abused the person's k-leg, big eyes or even their outfit and the person just turns around and says thank you, right back in your language. First your eyes will pop, your throat will tighten and at that moment, you'll wish the ground could open up and borrow you for a while, but that never happens. Then you are left with trying to render pathetic apologies and that’s if the person gives you the chance to.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Mirror Mirror on the wall......who's the most beautiful of them all?

They list the top ten most beautiful
I watch the pageants crown different girls at different times
I hear she’s the most beautiful because a magazine said so, they call it “times”
I watch the awards, same goes for the news
Just when you think you are current, they tell you there is someone new
Then it gets me thinking, of all the “most beautifuls” who then is the most beautiful

Who is that one person that is so beautiful, she has no competition
Who is that one so fair, so flawless, so moulded to perfection
I think there should be a pageant for all who have ever been crowned
It should be tagged the competition for the queens of beauty
Just so there can emerge one true beauty
But then again, can there really be one true beauty?

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

The euphoria of a holiday!

I have a holiday dance...it’s something between Etighi and Alanta. I just recently threw in Skelewu on the 29th of May, you know, just to update the dance.
So I got to showcase my improved dance move this morning when I was reminded that tomorrow is the 12th of June. How delighted I was.

However, the thing is, I realized, a lot of us do not know what the holiday stands for and this is not just about the 12th of June, but also about every other holiday. We don’t know the history, the reason, nothing. If you fall into my category, you probably just think...ahhhhh....holiday.....no work tomorrow....God bless whatever caused this day.
So to reduce my ignorance, I took out time to study a bit of history, just to know what the 12th of June really stands for and I think you should too, but when you are done researching, please relax!!!

Monday, 9 June 2014

An Ode To My Maker...

Whispers of Love, Vibes of affection
How can I explain, your undeserved attention
You placed me far above angels, above all creations
I’m the apple of your eyes, you have my name tattooed on your palm

Love so pure, love so unconditional
Love beyond human understanding
Love that doesn’t seek anything in return
Love that has made provision for forgiveness even before I err.

Monday, 2 June 2014

My Monday Morning Madness

I think it’s the season of shorter days and longer nights. The season when nature gives you the idea that you have extra sleeping hours and your working hours have been reduced but at the end of the day, it’s still the same freaking hours! Well, except one second counts twice, then it will make sense to me.

Anyways, the seconds didn’t count twice so I had to be up early as usual, but I woke up feeling refreshed (or maybe it was just my mind telling me I had longer sleeping hours) then I stayed on my bed and reminisced on how I had entered a new phase of my life.
You see, my birthday was on Friday and I remember telling one of my friends that your birthday is actually a good yardstick to use in measuring your achievements.
So there I was in bed, counting my blessings and asking myself what new things I had accomplished from my last birthday up until now, and they were quite a number but then again, it’s historical. I need new achievements.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

The power of time

It’s amazing the things you find when you just clean up. So I was cleaning up and found a very old album of mine. I paused the cleaning and just kept flipping through the pictures...bad hair, not too tasteful dressing, bad poses, very bad poses...in one of the pictures I looked like I was about to fly and I just kept telling myself that if I stare longer at the picture, I’m sure my wings would pop out from somewhere. But amidst all the ridiculousness, it brought back memories, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Tips to know if He /she is Mr/Mrs Right!

Let’s discuss a few tips to help you recognize Mr/Mrs Right.

The first tip is....Err...I’m just kidding....I don’t have any.....zilch....nothing! But wait, all hope is not lost, I know where you can find all the tips you will ever need. 

Monday, 19 May 2014

My Monday Morning Madness

Weekend is a scam. Really, it is. I can remember vividly, how excited I was on Friday, then in-between sleeping well and catching up on my favourite series, Monday reared its ugly head. It's like it just crept up on me from nowhere.
I wasn’t going to let Monday morning ruin the whole day, so I made a conscious effort to be happy, I adopted the old reverse psychology, and muttered to myself at intervals "I love Monday" 
Well, this plan was working well, up until the FRSC stopped me. Little advice for you all, avoid these people! Especially the lanky ones. It seems to me that there is a relationship between their weight and attitude. To be honest, the lankier the men are, the more annoying they are too. I was stopped by a very lanky one, what can I say? I gave Monday another chance and it blew it!

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Let The Scars Remind You...

Do you have any scars? What do they remind you of?

There are people who hate some parts of their bodies because they are scarred, and they cover it up so much so, that if the body part could speak, it'll tell them "I need some air"
There are people who are in-different about the scars, whether it shows or not, whether it’s pretty or not, who cares? It’s just a scar.
Then again, there are people who actually love their scars and those of others. They look at people's scars and tell them its beautiful followed by the deep question - what's your story? These people look at their scars and it reminds them of all the pain they had to go through, but in the end, they overcame. It’s like saying, I’m an overcomer and here is my receipt!

Leaving the physical for a moment, there are scars embedded in our hearts, nobody sees them but we feel them. You’ve probably been heartbroken too many times, hurt by those you held dear, you look around and realize there's no love, no loyalty then you press play to your new favourite song by Chris brown- loyal.
Sometimes you look back and you are too ashamed to even count how many times you've tried to patch the pieces of your broken heart, too scared to start afresh. Dashed hopes. Shortened expectations. Broken promises. Failed relationships. Dead dreams. It has really been a bumpy ride.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Dont get it twisted, The fight is against Terrorism!

I had an extensive chat with a Muslim friend of mine this morning, trying to understand the fundamentals of Islam. The chat was very enlightening but he told me in a simple sentence, Islam is a religion of Peace.
This desire to enlighten myself about Islam was prompted after I heard a couple of people discussing about boko haram and the Chibok girls. Before now, I haven’t really been involved in the #BringBackOurGirls movement, simply because I had my reservations. Don't blame me, I’m from a country where almost everything is political...the few issues that aren't political, are believed to be spiritual, so to me, this was just one of those political antics that will fizzle out with time, or so I believed, up until I saw the video of the abducted girls chanting something from the Qur’an in what appeared to be under duress.

Monday, 12 May 2014

My Monday Morning Madness

Before I went to bed last night, I set two alarm clocks, simply
because the way I was feeling, just one alarm clock wouldn't do it. I mean, there's no way I wouldn't wake up with two alarm clocks right?

Friday, 9 May 2014

Lazy Friday...

I feel very lazy today, can't wait to kick off the weekend, so i'm going to leave you guys with a piece I wrote way back. Pardon any grammatical errors, i'm too lazy to edit.
I wrote this piece a couple of years ago when Nigeria was better (The topic of Nigeria is one that wrenches the heart but i'm even too lazy to write about it now). So please enjoy this piece and do have a lovely weekend!!!

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Love's Facets

I once read a write up, it was about Love
It stated that Love has a reason, and the reason is unknown
But I go around daily, and I hear the questions
Why do u love him?
List five things you love about her
Why is he your one and only?
Give us reasons why you can't hang out with the boys tonight.
The thing is, we as humans, we need a reason
We need to feel in control, even if its only for a season
So with this, I got the first hint

Monday, 5 May 2014

My Monday Morning Madness

My alarm clock seemed a bit too happy this morning, ready to resume work after a long weekend...Well, I wasn't.
Grrrr....Grrrrr!!!....Grrr...Grrrrrr..... "Aggghhhh, stupid alarm clock" were the words I muttered before I snoozed the life out of it. Different thoughts were going through my mind, ranging from calling in sick, vex and resign then finally I was thinking "oga Adam, why u sef go chop apple? shebi we for all dey garden of Eden dey chop fruit everyday" But in all fairness to Adam, how many of our men today can resist the combo of woman plus devil....the poor guy even tried. So I finally stoppped thinking rubbish, said a prayer and got out of bed.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Happy Workers Day!!!

Just to wish everyone a Happy Workers Day! Take time out to treat your body right, relax your mnd, nourish your soul and refresh your spirit because you deserve it! Enjoy Xx

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Jesus PIECE...Jesus PEACE?

The original Jesus Piece can sell for as high as $17,000. More...or Less....but the point is, some cost that much. In our usual naija style, i'll give you a moment to calculate the naira equivalent. Now that we are on the same page and you understand that some of these neckpieces can pay some people's annual salary, all benefits inclusive, lets make some comparisons and ask a few questions.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Since When Do You Do Anything?

'Famous five', ‘L cube- D square’, ‘L and D crew’…These are few of the many names we were called as a group of five friends back in undergrad and trust me we were a Bad-Ass-Crew (insert ‘yimu’ here). Over the years we managed to keep in touch, we even have a BBM group called L and D crew…LOL!
You know how you have some friends and you don’t bug each other about not keeping in touch because no matter how long it’s been since you last spoke, you can get on the same page in minutes without speaking to much grammar and you can’t explain how they know so much about you but They. Just. Know!!!
Well, I like to think the L and D crew falls into that category, so you can imagine my utmost surprise when I announced on our group chat, with so much excitement by the way, that I started a blog, then they asked me, ‘ since when do you write?’. I mean, I have been writing since high school, so how do they, of all people, not know that I write?

Friday, 25 April 2014

Vegetarian or Nigerian?

So I was with a group of people the other day and we were all enjoying our different meals in peace. Meal time for me is usually a quiet time, time to reflect, think, make money in my mind, and listen to the sound of me licking my fingers on days when I decide to eat hot Amala and gbegiri with ogufe (what can I say? I grew up in Ibadan). So, everything was going on peacefully until someone couldn't finish her meat and she asked the person beside her shey you will eat meat? and the girl replies "no thanks, i'm vegetarian".
This was trouble!!!

Na my papa get am?

Dark skies, cold weather, very cold weather, tired  muscles, sleepy eyes....As I struggled to get out of bed this morning, a nagging question was right at the back of my mind,"this job sef, na my papa get am?" Right after this question, I realized a lot of other people are probably asking the same question, some at the same time, some at different other times.

I remember while we were all in undergrad, most people had the dream of graduating and getting a job doing what they love, what they enjoy but unemployment can so sink into the very depths of your being and make you forget all that you love and enjoy up until you start singing along to the popular tune of the unemployed- any job is fine abeg, let me just be leaving this house every morning, i don tire, job na job, shebi na make money just dey enter and so on... then one fateful day, baba God answers the prayers that before seemed never ending, the job comes, you are elated, you are almost even grateful to the company for hiring you and you promise to deliver your best at the job.
Then days pass, months, possibly years, you begin to question yourself...is this really what i want to do with my life? the fatigue, the dissatisfaction, and all of a sudden you forget the previous tune of job na job abeg.

Thursday, 24 April 2014


In wondering what the diaries of an ibadan babe should consist of, I know you are probably thinking the word ''Ibadan" and "babe" shouldnt even stay side by side, but just Shhhhhh....Lol! im here to air it out, I hope you love to read and I hope this is the start of something great!!!

Enjoy!! Xx