Wednesday 25 June 2014

Mirror Mirror on the wall......who's the most beautiful of them all?

They list the top ten most beautiful
I watch the pageants crown different girls at different times
I hear she’s the most beautiful because a magazine said so, they call it “times”
I watch the awards, same goes for the news
Just when you think you are current, they tell you there is someone new
Then it gets me thinking, of all the “most beautifuls” who then is the most beautiful

Who is that one person that is so beautiful, she has no competition
Who is that one so fair, so flawless, so moulded to perfection
I think there should be a pageant for all who have ever been crowned
It should be tagged the competition for the queens of beauty
Just so there can emerge one true beauty
But then again, can there really be one true beauty?

When that wise person said “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”
I guess he looked around and saw so many beautiful women standing shoulder to shoulder
I guess he asked around and everyone thought theirs was the most beautiful
I guess he also thought his wife was the most beautiful
Until someone whose wife he thought was ugly, called his wife ugly
Then he dawned on him, beauty is subjective

Subjective to what we see and how we see it
Sometimes it falls back on how we feel, or how someone/society defines it
Some people look inwards and call it inner beauty
Some people focus on the appearance and they also call theirs outer beauty

But in all these, I guess I’ve learnt one thing
Beauty has no limits
That’s why we can have a hundred girls win the endless pageants
That’s why the magazines have their own specifications
That’s why every mother tells her 3 daughters, they are the most beautiful
And that’s why all of it is allowed
Because beauty can’t be boxed, it means different things to different people
So when your friend tells you he thinks that weird girl is beautiful
Just accept that asides from the possibility of him being insane
The girl truly has her own perks
And when I say y’all aint gat nothing on me, and I scream “I am the prettiest”
Please don’t hate, scream yours as well…
Beauty is just big enough for all of us!!  xxx

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