Monday 2 June 2014

My Monday Morning Madness

I think it’s the season of shorter days and longer nights. The season when nature gives you the idea that you have extra sleeping hours and your working hours have been reduced but at the end of the day, it’s still the same freaking hours! Well, except one second counts twice, then it will make sense to me.

Anyways, the seconds didn’t count twice so I had to be up early as usual, but I woke up feeling refreshed (or maybe it was just my mind telling me I had longer sleeping hours) then I stayed on my bed and reminisced on how I had entered a new phase of my life.
You see, my birthday was on Friday and I remember telling one of my friends that your birthday is actually a good yardstick to use in measuring your achievements.
So there I was in bed, counting my blessings and asking myself what new things I had accomplished from my last birthday up until now, and they were quite a number but then again, it’s historical. I need new achievements.

I started my morning, thinking about things I can and should achieve before my next celebration comes calling. Laying down plans, thinking on how to execute those plans, networking with new people, putting yourself in strategic positions that can help you achieve your goals and all that. Maybe the title for today's post should be "My Monday Morning Thoughts"

Amidst all of my thinking, I thought about this blog…this is also a blessing! It’s a blessing to be able to touch people in the smallest and simplest of ways doing what you love. You’ll never know how much of a blessing you can be unless you actually try to “do” something. It doesn’t matter if it’s just one person that acknowledges what you do, it doesn’t even matter if you fail out rightly, what matters is that you tried to do something and you have somewhere to pick up from. When you start a failed project all over again, you usually never start from scratch like people would think, you start from where you left off, with better knowledge, better understanding. You are always going to be better off than someone just starting the same project.
So I thought I’d share this with you. Ask yourself what you have achieved from the last time people wished you a happy birthday up until now. If there’s nothing, there should be plans and if there are no plans there should at least be ideas. If you have none of these, probably it’s time to start making plans and setting targets for yourself. Maybe yearly is too long for you, start with the weekly plans. Call it your Monday Morning Meditation. Meditate on your plans, goals and achievements. Every week should be an improvement on the last and remember that failure is also an improvement in disguise J

Do have a lovely week ahead! Xx

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