Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Friends With Benefits

I’m glad to say this.....I have friends with benefits.

And sorry to disappoint you, no, I don’t mean a guy I call my friend but we play chess under the sheets (aunt nobody got time for that) I mean real friends with real benefits

My friends threw me a surprise party over the weekend and I was so impressed! I still am actually, will forever be. I remember thinking to myself, this is what friendship should be about. People who think of you, have your welfare at heart, people you can conveniently sow into their lives and also reap something in return. All friendships should be with benefits, no matter how little, be it emotionally, physically, materially, spiritually, intellectually...I mean the list is endless, so if your friend cannot find at least one category of benefit to fall under, then it’s probably better you look for another friend. 

Your friendship should have benefits if not, then it’s a waste!

 And the truth is, most times, when your friends aren’t adding value to your life, they are probably deducting from the little you’ve acquired for yourself. We should call them value destroyers!

So let’s go out there and make new friends. Walk up to someone who you know can add value to your life as say “please can you be my friend with benefits?” (Disclaimer: I won’t be responsible for the hot slaps you get if you are a guy telling this to a girl. So please take note!).
sometimes if the person you love so much tells you "we are just friends". its okay, so long as the friendship has benefits
Let’s make new friends, improve our selves, add colour to our lives, because that’s what friends are supposed to do! And let’s not forget to send the value destroyers packing…we sincerely will be better off without them!

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