I once read a write up, it was about Love
It stated that Love has a reason, and the reason is unknown
But I go around daily, and I hear the questions
Why do u love him?
List five things you love about her
Why is he your one and only?
Give us reasons why you can't hang out with the boys tonight.
The thing is, we as humans, we need a reason
We need to feel in control, even if its only for a season
So with this, I got the first hintI once heard someone argue
He said Love is stupid
He won't be shot by no damn cupid
I guess he has been shot too many times
In the eyes of the ones he loved, he saw the stars
But when it all ended, they left too many scars
With this, I got the second hint
I once saw a signage
It gave its definition of love
Love is giving someone the power to hurt you
But trusting that they won't
So I guess there was a hidden message
Love must be about trust
With this I got the third hint
Lets bring the hints into Perspevtive
To love, we must relinquish control
Admit that you cannot understand everything
Believe that Science can't prove it all
Accept that sometimes, things will happen
You wont understand the reason.
Also, accept that we do stupid things for the ones we love
We give them "one more chance" too many times
We let them have their way when we shouldnt
You are not stupid, blame it on the cupid.
Furthermore, to love completely is to be willing to trust completely
Do loved ones have the power to hurt you? yes!
How they choose to use that power is totally up to them
You can't control it, and don't look for reasons why!
Love has many facets, it's too deep, we may never fully understand
I'm sure Love doesnt understand itself sometimes :-)
But it's too beautiful to give up on
Too beatiful not to experience
I'm still gathering hints, but I choose to enjoy the love I have
To bask in the feeling of something I cannot explain
Its your choice to love or not to love
But it's believed that everything is easier when it's filled with Love
You should open your hearts to the endless possibilities of Love....
i like this one