Monday, 5 May 2014

My Monday Morning Madness

My alarm clock seemed a bit too happy this morning, ready to resume work after a long weekend...Well, I wasn't.
Grrrr....Grrrrr!!!....Grrr...Grrrrrr..... "Aggghhhh, stupid alarm clock" were the words I muttered before I snoozed the life out of it. Different thoughts were going through my mind, ranging from calling in sick, vex and resign then finally I was thinking "oga Adam, why u sef go chop apple? shebi we for all dey garden of Eden dey chop fruit everyday" But in all fairness to Adam, how many of our men today can resist the combo of woman plus devil....the poor guy even tried. So I finally stoppped thinking rubbish, said a prayer and got out of bed.

Racing out of the house, Robert Kiyosaki's "Rat- Race Theory" came to mind, and I said a silent prayer with hope that I hadn't been caught up in the so called rat-race already. The road seemed normal, cars normal but the drivers were different from the happy ones I saw on Friday. Today, everybody, well almost everybody, was impatient including yours faithfully. Looking at my rear-view mirror, I could see a taxi behind me, the driver was gesticulating furiously with his hands out of the window, I think he was screaming something that sounded like a curse. But why will someone be cursing so early in the morning? I had barely finished asking myself that question when I realized I was shouting at the car in front of me, or rather, I was shouting at myself because the guy driving the car had no clue what I was ranting about.

Finally I got to work in one piece. People were looking like they'll rather be anywhere else, morose faces, draggy feet and the general response to "Good Morning" was a short hiss follwed by "Morning Jarey". As I settled in and was asking- Monday, why do you have to make yourself so damn hard to love?, I remembered it's my mum's birthday today. That put a permanent smile on my face! :-)

Wish y'all a better monday and a splendid week ahead. May you find a reason to smile every Monday! Dont forget to share your Monday Morning Madness Experience 

1 comment:

  1. Like say u no go chop the apple too!
