Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Things that really really matter.

This life can sha be very funny. This was indeed the biggest boy's garage at some point. I bet when visitors came to his house, he’ll pretend he forgot something in the car just so they can see his fleet of cars. Yes, this was once a fleet of choice cars, as in cars that you would look at and go "mehn...this guy hold bar o". The kind of cars that will make the girls ask the nigga why go inside, let’s get in on in the garage. The kind of car door that you open for a girl and she will melt and say awwww, you are so romantic (because it’s not the act that is romantic to some girls oh, its d type of car door you are opening) there is nothing romantic about opening a jalopy car door mbok, well except of course, you need to keep banging the door to open, then it is very mandatory for you to open the door for her.
Basically just painting a picture to let you know this was once "it". Well, at least they have some form of historic value now.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

It's Always Darkest Before The Dawn...

Ever wondered if we would appreciate the Sun as much if there was no Night? Would we really know the beauty of light if there was no darkness? Would you desperately want to be happy again if you haven’t felt the strings of sorrow pierce through your heart? I doubt this.
I believe, if we never knew darkness then we won't appreciate The Light as much, just cos it becomes normal, like the light will always be there so why should I take a moment to appreciate how beautiful it is.

I remember when I went for my post-graduate degree, getting into a new environment and thinking of how adventurous it will be for me. How I’ll tour all the cities and visit all the tourist attractions, how everyday will be a holiday for me and I was just going to see that period as a vacation. In short, dem go take! This town go know say person don enter am! Well that didn’t quite happen. I had a lot of fun no doubt, but there are still places I look back at and ask myself, why didn’t I go there? I have friends who came into town for just 2 weeks and visited places I didn’t go to in almost 2 years! Why? because, see, at that time I was living there and I would wake up every day and think to myself, oh, I’ll still be here tomorrow, so I’ll visit that beautiful place tomorrow, then next week, then next month, and I never actually went to see some of those places till the day I had to come back. It just made me understand that the more we are accustomed to certain situations, the less appreciative we become of those situations.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Don't Grow Up!!!

Thinking back now to when I was much younger and I’m just wondering, what in the hell ever made me think growing up was so cool? I literally couldn’t wait to be grown up. Now I’m all grown up (or at least I think I am) and I’ve come to realize I was set-up. This was a serious set-up!
I remember those days of playing Ten-Ten and Suwe on the street and all the razz but fun games, at least the ones my mum will allow us play till she became her usual self, woke up one morning and didn’t want us stepping out of the house again. She then over-fed us with video games, of all sorts. From Mario to Mortal Kombat. We had all the recent games just so we wouldn’t go out. And we thought she just loved us so much that she wanted us to be the recent gamers, that one sef na another set up.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Food For Thought...

I lifted this somewhere and thought I should share it. Enjoy!

 Two important management lessons I learnt from a £50 note.

1. It happened some time ago. I was in an audience listening to a motivational
speaker. The speaker got his wallet out and pulled out a £50 note. Holding it up, he asked, "Who wants this £50 note?"
Lots of hands went up. Including mine. A slow chorus began to build as people began to shout "Me!" "Me!" I began to wonder who the lucky one would be and who the speaker would choose. And I also secretly wondered (and I am sure others did too) why he would simply give away £50. Even as the shouts of "I want it" grew louder, I noticed a young woman running down the aisle. She ran up onto the stage, went up to the speaker, and grabbed the fifty pound note from his hand.

Friday, 4 September 2015

Dear Alarm!

So a friend of mine walked into the office one morning, still looking very sleepy and like he'll rather be anywhere else than the office...but to be fair to him, almost everyone in the office looked miserable...sorry...always looks miserable every Monday morning, but this post isn’t about my usual Monday Morning Madness, so we will move on. So he walks up to me and says, we don’t give the alarm clock enough credit, and I go huh? Say what? And I’m there thinking in my mind, isn’t it too early in the morning and week to be drunk biko nu? He then asks me, what wakes you up every morning? Me I already went spiritual sharp sharp, God is the one that wakes me up every morning. Without God, my alarm clock will have no work to do. The guy just rolled his eyes and said, think about it for a minute, what would we do without our alarm clocks? So many people will miss very important meetings, will always get queried for coming late to work and so many important events. I then calmed down and thought about it....that’s actually very true.

Friday, 31 July 2015

Think and Thank!

I was driving home one evening, very tired, I was wishing I could borrow the film trick they use in Africa magic to disappear and appear in my room, sleeping, all chores done by some robot and another robot that will make it rain so the weather would be very cold. I was that tired....
So you can imagine my frustration when I saw this huge traffic from afar. I was like lai lai, I cannot enter this one, I turned back, James Bond style, enroute alternative route.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

That Long-old Saying!

I know of a long-old’s easily said but hardly ever done!

I know of an old man
He once was full of life
They said he once had a beautiful wife
He drove the nicest cars
He could stay on the phone for hours
They said it's 'cos he had so many friends
But it’s funny how those things all came to an end
I see him now, begging on the streets
He watches the cars pass him by daily
Trendy suits, windows up, sitting at the owner’s corner
They never pay him mind
He smiles with tears in his eyes
He sees himself in them
He never helped anyone and he particularly laughed at old poor people
He wondered what they did with their youth and called them lazy
He told himself he was working hard and had enough to take care of his old self
But somehow, life out-smarted him, he no longer felt so witty
All he could do was drown in self-pity.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Happy Easter Holidays!

This is just to wish you all a very Happy Easter. Try as much as possible to share this special time with family and friends and most importantly, remember we are celebrating the resurrection of Christ.

You can also use this period to re-strategize and try to revive every venture you let die in your hands, all the brilliant ideas you let fade away.
Come back from this Holiday season a better person with new ideas and a fresh, strong will to make those ideas a success!

Enjoy the Holidays!!!

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

I'm Married...What next?

I really love weddings! The make-up, the flowers, the pretty ladies, the excitement in the air, the beautiful wedding gowns, the tightness in your tummy...God! That tightness, you are just too excited! You don’t have to sneak around anymore, you can explore your fantasies, and you are free at last. It’s a great feeling!

The guests go home, the food is finished, the music fades, the decoration starts getting pulled down and you are in your hotel room with your spouse, looking into each other’s eyes, smiling and most likely thinking... So what next?
This is actually a question you should have answered long ago before the wedding, but most people are too carried away with the euphoria of the wedding that they forget that it’s just a wedding and the most important thing is the marriage.
Below is a conversation between a newly married and unmarried colleague of mine in the canteen:

Thursday, 19 March 2015

This is for you!

If you’ve ever lost someone…this is for you!
If you have an empty space in your heart because someone in your life just got up and left…this is for you!
If you woke up one morning, everything seemed normal up until you got that phonecall, they said someone you love just passed. They left you wondering, passed to where? Passed through where? Who came and took them across? All the weird thoughts running through your mind because your mind is too afraid to admit that Death has taken away someone you love…Then this is for you!

Monday, 9 March 2015

Deal with it from the centre!

I once read a book by Stephen covey, it talked about the circles of concern, influence and control. In a nutshell, circumstances that bother you are in your circle of concern but the ones you can control are only those in your circle of influence and control. We all know there are some things, we as individuals, cannot control. For instance, as a naija babe now, I cannot just wake up and say I’m tired of this electricity problem, I don’t want to shout UP NEPA no more, I will build the refineries and solve this problem once and for all, because I love my country and this has got to stop! Well, e fit happen for dream sha, but in real terms, when I wake up, I’ll have to deal with all the sweat from building the refineries in my dream, without electricity in my room to service the fan/air conditioner while I was “sleep-working”.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Make it a Lifestyle!

Lol! So I saw the picture above on a friend’s bbm display picture and I laughed hard. A friend of mine after laughing hard said "Ah, ooto ni, we have real enemies on this side of the world, you have to usher the New Year in with real prayers"(imagine this saying with a yoruba accent) 
So this period of the year, everybody in Nigeria is fasting, or pretending to be fasting, or attempting to fast. Whichever category you are in, the truth is, most Christians are more spiritually aware this time of the year.
Me sef, I dey included oh, but I was just wondering...why can’t we be on this spiritual level all through the year? Does it have to be a New Year episode only?