Thursday, 19 March 2015

This is for you!

If you’ve ever lost someone…this is for you!
If you have an empty space in your heart because someone in your life just got up and left…this is for you!
If you woke up one morning, everything seemed normal up until you got that phonecall, they said someone you love just passed. They left you wondering, passed to where? Passed through where? Who came and took them across? All the weird thoughts running through your mind because your mind is too afraid to admit that Death has taken away someone you love…Then this is for you!
We don’t realize how short life is, until we get a reality check. Until something as invisible yet very significant as death reminds us how easy it is for it to take away people without reason.
The reality check often times comes when your phone rings, or maybe it’s the doorbell, or that e-mail, and for a moment, right there, your world stops! It’s at a standstill. You can’t understand how that person can be just gone…just like that. They should have warned us, shouldn’t they? It’s not fair for them to go that way, how can they just be gone? You cannot understand it. In a bid to understand it, you start asking questions that really don’t matter anymore…was she sick? Was he involved in an accident? How did it happen? The questions don’t matter because at the end, the person is gone, just gone!
It’s hard to forget and we might never forget, but we can always trust time to help soothe that pain if we let it. It’s always the hardest at the beginning, but trust me it gets better.
This is a note to me and everyone out there who has ever lost someone…it will get better and we can only hope that they are all in a better place.
So to all the people we loved, to all our fallen heroes, to all those that just left us without warning, even to those that are still alive but walked out of our lives for reasons we don’t understand…we love you and this is for you!