Friday, 31 July 2015

Think and Thank!

I was driving home one evening, very tired, I was wishing I could borrow the film trick they use in Africa magic to disappear and appear in my room, sleeping, all chores done by some robot and another robot that will make it rain so the weather would be very cold. I was that tired....
So you can imagine my frustration when I saw this huge traffic from afar. I was like lai lai, I cannot enter this one, I turned back, James Bond style, enroute alternative route.

Alternative route had the worst gridlock ever and now, I couldnt turn back. We were stuck. Frustrated. I wanted to cry, literally.
To ease the frustration, I just inserted one of my mix tapes to calm me down, and return some sanity to my atmosphere. I was singing to wiz khalifa's see you again and staring out the window when I noticed something that wrenched my heart.
There was this young man, paralysed and could only move by rolling his whole body on the floor so you can imagine how pitiful the sight looked. It was heart-breaking. At that very moment, I took a moment to think back on all the things we enjoy but take for granted.

Health alone, is a huge cause for thanksgiving. That we wake up every day, dress up on our own and head out to work, though seems normal and like a routine, sadly is a privilege and a luxury for some people, one they cannot afford.

I looked at him further, couldnt stop staring, and I was wondering how much he could possibly make from the streets, just then did I realize the large holes in his back pocket, I could see his inner clothing. It was large enough for me to know it was empty, as though it was a sign saying "in case you were wondering how much I had, the answer is zilch".

Here we are, we are in good health, we have a job to go to, and we have some kind of money, at least we are not on the street begging, and we still complain???
What in the world are we complaining about? More money? All some people need is enough for their daily bread.
More cars? This guy couldnt walk. His whole body was his wheels. Imagine what your car tyres go through from rolling day in day out in the dirt and mud; now you have an idea what pain his body might be going through.
A better job? Some people never have the hope of getting any kind of job at all, not because they are lazy or anything of the sort but simply because they just can’t. So they feed off what the street gives them.

Anytime we find ourselves at the verge of complaining, it will do us some good to remember that our current situation that we so desperately want to get out from, is someone else's prayer point/testimony.

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