Monday 21 July 2014

My Monday Morning Madness!

Me, I don’t know how the weekend went by so fast. I think there was a conspiracy of some sort between the weather and the time, because just between loving the weather on Saturday morning and telling myself I’ll sleep well this weekend, BAM! It was Sunday evening.
I remember telling my mum I feel cheated, why should we work five days and rest just two days? Whatever happened to the law of equality? It shouldn’t apply to only the females that wish they were guys naa, haba, it should also apply to something that is capable of changing the quality of our lives such as this. We should work five days and rest five days...full stop!

Wednesday 16 July 2014

My Language...My Right!

So many times, we think to ourselves that nobody else understands our language, especially strangers, so we can therefore insult them, after all, they won’t understand. It’s my language and I am allowed to express myself in my language without any consequences right...WRONG!

Haven’t you ever been in very awkward situations where u think someone is from another tribe and all of a sudden, the person starts speaking your language? Next thing you'll probably say is, "so you understand Yoruba? Ahh, thank God I didn’t abuse you oh, Na so you for catch me". But some other times, maybe you were not so lucky and you already abused the person's k-leg, big eyes or even their outfit and the person just turns around and says thank you, right back in your language. First your eyes will pop, your throat will tighten and at that moment, you'll wish the ground could open up and borrow you for a while, but that never happens. Then you are left with trying to render pathetic apologies and that’s if the person gives you the chance to.