Wednesday, 29 April 2020

The Bride Price

Picture Source: google
I saw someone's display picture, it read, I have a dream that one day to marry will be free. I'm sure I read this post three times and I kept wondering to myself, free in what sense really? that after marriage you can still gallivant and keep living like a bachelor/spinster? or free in the sense of freedom of choice where you can decide not to get married and nobody will look at you like you are an alien that must have lost its way and found itself here on planet earth? but then again, that will be restricted to some societies just like ours where marriage is seen as a mark of success and having a ring on your finger gets you more respect at society’s high table. I was just really thinking about all the different meanings the post could have, then it dawned on me that the "free"being talked about is in terms of the brideprice and other requirements neccessary to take a bride...then I laughed.